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A Simple Guide to Tackle Bags and Boxes

Fishing products are supplied by Maurice sporting goods which is the top distributor in the market. They offer high quality products at low prices.

Fishermen know that there’s no one cure-all lure, bait, or tackle setup/rig that ensures a big catch every time. That’s why experienced anglers will tell you that packing tackle to handle a variety of situations is the key to getting your target to bite! A well-rounded arsenal of lines, lures, and hooks can help you adapt to almost any situation on the fly.

The downside with stocking yourself in preparation for any fishing situation is that you’ll have to transport your items to the fishing hole in a way that’s both organized and easily-accessible. Tackle boxes and bags are designed to sort and organize all of the tackle essentials for a fisherman in an easy-to-carry box or bag. In fact, there are a wide variety of styles of tackle storage for fishermen to choose from, allowing for different organizational setups and storage.

Your tackle boxes and bags are the key to keeping items on-hand and ready-to-rig at a moment’s notice. As with anything, there are certain tips and guidelines to keep in mind when perusing the shelves that can help you choose the right boxes and bags for your style and needs. With over 20,000 fishing items in our inventory, Outdoor Shopping has the most extensive lineup of fishing equipment online today! Shop our inventory of tackle bags and boxes at Outdoor Shopping.

Hard Tackle Boxes

Hard plastic tackle boxes are a traditional favorite for many fishermen, conjuring images from childhood. Indeed, these styles tend to be simplistic in design and relatively unchanged over the years, although there are many advances that have helped to make them more productive in a competitive market.



Look for:

  • Resistant to cracking

  • Durable

  • Increased protection for tackle and gear

  • Sits easily on uneven surfaces without tipping or spilling contents

  • User-Friendly

  • Convenient

  • Heavier than soft bag counterparts

  • Can take up more room than soft bags when only bringing a small accouterment of tackle

  • Can quickly outgrow storage

  • Cumbersome to carry

  • Jig Racks allow for organized storage

  • Strong, sturdy handles

  • Secure Latches

  • ‘Worm Proof Trays’ to keep lures from ‘melting’ together

  • Roomy lure compartments

These boxes are suited for all levels of fishing experience and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Consider the following when choosing sizes:

  • Casual Anglers, Beginners, Children: Use a small one, two, or three tray box

  • Veteran Fishermen: Opt for larger boxes with features like deep cavities and jig racks

There are different storage options available as well, depending on the model and manufacturer:

  • Fold-Out Trays: These allow the user to utilize different compartments in order to store their lures and baits.

  • Plastic Utility Boxes: These allow users to customize lures into different groups.

While both varieties work well, utility boxes seem a better fit for ease and functionality in today's market. At the end of the day, it’s a mix of one’s personal preference as well as their tackle storage needs that will determine which setup is right for you.

Another interesting feature of hard tackle boxes is a top-loading compartment (available in only some models). These allow for storage of larger items like pork jars, spare reels, and tools, helping with ease of access for the angler and simplifying the organizational setup.

Since hard tackle boxes aren’t as forgiving as soft tackle bags, be sure to oversize when purchasing to compensate for additional tackle needs as you grow in your fishing experience and, thus, accouterments.

Soft Tackle Bags

Recently gaining popularity are soft tackle bags. These counterparts to hard tackle boxes are better suited for the avid fishermen. They’re lightweight and waterproof and can hold a variety of plastic utility boxes. With more flexibility within the cavity as well as the resulting uses, soft tackle bags are typically used by those who plan to fish more often and with bigger supplies of tackle accouterments.



Look for:

  • Can be adapted for different numbers of utility boxes

  • Lightweight

  • Comfortable to Carry

  • More versatility

  • Can fall over and/or spill contents easily

  • Not as neatly organized as tackle boxes

  • Cheaper bags tend to comprise cheaper material and, thus, will suffer wear and tear quickly

  • Storage pockets for  for holding blister packs of plastics, spare reels, fishing tools, or even the camera

  • Cavity to hold enough utility boxes for your fishing needs

  • Padded shoulder straps

One of the largest benefits to a soft tackle bag is the ability for a fishermen to take only what they need. Whereas one with a tackle box must take the entirety of the box itself, a tackle bag can be filled with more or less utility compartments depending on what type of fishing scenario one plans to get into on any given day. This means that you can fill your bag with only one or two utility boxes for an easy day of panfishing or fill up your bag to the brim with numerous rigs and lures for a full day out on the saltwater.

Some different features to keep a look out for include:

  • Backpack style: This allows for the user to strap their soft bag on their back like a backpack for easy transportation from your vehicle to the water.

  • Water Resistance: Most bags are water resistant, but always check, as this is essential for a day fishing on the water.

Keep in mind that extremely large bags can be cumbersome to carry, even with ergonomic shoulder straps. Some come filled with hundreds of utility compartments, and once you’ve filled your compartments, you’re left with a large, awkward bag full of tackle that is simply uncomfortable to carry no matter what.

The best way to utilize large tackle bags is to take them filled on long trips and simply unload what you need into a tackle box for any given day (rather than toting the giant bag everywhere with you). In this way, you’ve brought everything you’d need in an organized fashion but can still manage a comfortable fishing trip every day.

Tackle Binders

These binder-style wraps can enclose your jigs, plastics, spinnerbaits, and any other tackle in plastic sleeves for quick, easy organization purposes. The binder typically closes via Velcro strip or zipper, and the binder itself contains plastic or metal rings which hold plastic inserts filled with tackle. Tangle-free, easy storage is the name of the game with binders, although you can logically guess that these are intended for small storage needs.



Look for:

  • Can easily fit within your tackle box or bag

  • Great for storing squishy plastics

  • Can’t store large amounts of tackle

  • Not meant to be taken as your sole storage

  • Multiple plastic sheaths

  • Replacement bags

Tackle binders are a great solution for storing plastics, as they are roomy enough to fit large numbers of craws, lizards, or worms in, and they free you from digging through endless mounds of blister packs. It’s just another organizational tool to keeping everything in a hassle-free, easy-to-access container.

With over 20,000 fishing items in our inventory, Outdoor Shopping has the most extensive lineup of fishing equipment online today! Shop our inventory of tackle bags and boxes at Outdoor Shopping.